Vitamin D deficiency is a global epidemic and has been linked to chronic diseases, with research finding a higher prevalence of these diseases in those who are deficient in vitamin D. Previous research has also shown that vitamin D supplementation helps reduce the risk of influenza. Viral infections often occur in the winter when vitamin D levels are the lowest and supplementation is often required in order to reach normal concentrations.
In a review published two weeks ago in Nutrients, researchers investigated vitamin D’s potential effect in helping to reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections. It is recommended for individuals at risk of influenza or acute respiratory tract infections to consider supplementing with 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D daily for several weeks to increase vitamin D levels and then decrease to 5000 IU per day. Vitamin D supplementation is a cost-effective intervention that can help lower the risk of respiratory tract and viral infections and can reduce health care costs. It is essential to use a supplement that combines vitamin K with D, or to provide vitamin K separately. Furthermore, magnesium helps to activate vitamin D, so magnesium supplementation should also be considered. By Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, DACBN, DCBCN, CNS Source: Grant WB, Lahore H, et al. Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths. Nutrients 2020 Apr 2;12(4). Our Holly Springs Pharmacy Health Blog will feature information we want to share to help you stay healthy and well! We'll also post useful news and updates about products. Subscribe to get our posts sent to your inbox. |
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